Sunday, March 11, 2012

What's the score?

What’s The Score? Inside the Delegate Process the Media Doesn’t Want to Talk About


Shaw Kenawe said...

It is interesting that Paul is racking up the delegates.

Delegate-wise it's a two-man race between Romney and Paul.

Very interesting:

The Real Delegate Score:

Romney 93

Paul 82

cwhiatt said...

I believe the numbers are a bit different now but the crux of your message is true. Minnesota is a prime example of the strength of Ron Paul's grassroots momentum.

Now, about that chat Shaw....

cwhiatt said...

I believe the numbers are a bit different now but the crux of your message is true. Minnesota is a prime example of the strength of Ron Paul's grassroots momentum.

Now, about that chat Shaw....

Shaw Kenawe said...

We will have that chat. I just got back from being away, and am getting over a bitch of a cold.

But I do want to talk about Libertarian philosophy and how Ron Paul has influenced the political landscape during this nomination process.

I do find it very interesting.

I think the first question I have would be: Even if Paul doesn't attain the nomination, how will his candidacy change our two-party system?

Yeah. I do want to know more about this.

cwhiatt said...

Do ya want me to answer that herein or do you want to email me and we can have a discussion and perhaps loop Saty in? She has questions too. If we do it here it gets lost in the shuffle.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Okay. Let's get Saty in on this too.

I have your email address. Here's mine: