Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Who's in first? What's in second?

Just saw this disasterous account this morning.

This thing is a total fuckery.

You will notice that for the state of MN they have decided to allocate the delegates proportionally. Again, this is a total fuckery. It illustrates the incompetency of the media which poses as "news".

And it's not just Minnesota. Most caucus states, of which Minnesota is one, will not have their National Delegates selected for a couple months. Thus, there is absolutely no way to determine, at this point, the allocation of those National delegates.

I will explain how using the Minnesota Model.

Point of information:

1. Minnesota's delegates are not bound (unlike FL where all the delegates are bound to the winner of the straw poll vote [1st ballot only]).

2. Minnesota has not completed its BPOU (Basic Political Organizing Unit) conventions yet. It is at these conventions where delegates are then elected to the congressional district (CD) conventions (MN has 8 congressional districts) and as well to the state convention.

Addressing point #1.

Minnesota will elect 3 national delegates from each of the eight congressional districts. I am unsure of when the other seven CD conventions are but the 5th Congressional District convention (of which I reside and will be in attendance) is scheduled for Saturday, April 14th. (3x8=24)

The Minnesota State Convention will elect 13 National Delegates. (24+13=37)

37 elected National delegates + State Party Chair + 2 RNC members = 40 National Delegates.

Given that the BPOU conventions aren't even finished, thus these Congressional District conventions have not yet occured nor has the state convention and given that the National Delegates elected from them are not bound to any candidate, I'm curious to know how in the hell CNN or any other outfit posing as "news" can conclude which candidate these 24 delegates from the CD conventions and the 13 from the State convention will gravitate to.

I'm fortunate to be a boot on the ground. I know which way the delegation in MN is swinging and let me just say it doesn't involve sweater vests.


BB-Idaho said...

In checking around, several news outlets have named Santorum.

cwhiatt said...

You win the nomination with delegates.

In some states the popular vote is directly tied to the distribution/allocation of delegates.

In the caucus states it is not. I will bet the house that Rick Santorum (who won the presidential preference straw vote in MN) will not get more than a handful (if that) delegates to the National Convention.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

So what's a 'superdelegate'? And why do they have to make this stuff so complicated?

cwhiatt said...

Superdelegates are sort of automatic in that they aren't elected from the caucuses or primaries. They would be the state party chair, and the two RNC chairpersons.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Soap, when did you become a republican moron?

And why didn't you tell me?

cwhiatt said...

I'm sorry. It happened in 2008 when I was on a guided tour of Malebolge.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Oh and 'boot on the ground'.... despite your kickass boots, all this did was trigger 'pants on the ground' in my head....