Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Disturbia: The Militarization of America's Police

"To their credit, libertarians have been warning about this dangerous drift of law enforcement for longer than most people have been aware of it. Republicans have too much to gain from any get-tough strategies, and Democrats are too timid to stand against them with any real zeal."

1 comment:

cwhiatt said...

Best fucking comment award!

"As my contemporary, I know you remember the country's reaction to the Kent State killings, which was generally not "OMG, they killed unarmed fellow-citizens!" but rather "Serves those dirty fucking hippies right!" In this country we don't appeal to each other over our commonalities and we haven't since 1776; we do it by ostracizing large segments of our own people to cement the smaller but more homogenous groups among us.
The powers behind the police state mollify the right wing and make fake common cause with assurances about small government and protecting 2nd amendment rights, but they know as well as you do that if the shit comes down, all those small arms in the closets of America won't make a dent in the arsenal of the Most Expensive Military In The World. Only the right, chortling in its Coors about how the cops showed those little shits in Oakland who was boss, is fooled by the assumption that it can't happen to them, and that even if it did, their castle doctrines and Right-to-Carry laws will keep them safe."