Government or better yet, the elected elite are so drunk with power and getting caught up in the moment and when they do, they occasionally slip up and show their true colors. See Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling in true form.
“We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market.”The Revolution grows....
Great idea. Take an industry that is struggling under every regulation possible, with a decaying infrastructure, and is a political target, and give it to an entity known for making anything it touches become slower and more inefficient. Then, when Congress wants to make the President look bad, they strangle the government oil monolith.
Can you say $10/gallon?
Tis why I loathe government.
Some countries add quite a bit more tax than the U.S., while other countries subsidize gas to keep the price low. At
we note that in this country, we
pay 77% of the world consumer price. Of the 37 countries where
gasoline is cheaper, most either
are major producers, possess
government controlled energy or have state subsidies. While us
drivers squawk, it is our intrastructure (planes, trains & automobiles) that get affected.
If or when energy related runaway
inflation occurs, even the private
sector will look to the gov't...
Well its a national security issue and it will take profit motivation out of the equasion why not. Its clear that the energy companies such as Enron and Exxon can't exist without our federal subsidies or crooked accounting which all sound a lot like...Government. Since the tax payers already flip the bill for the oil companies why not nationalize it and secure our own future.
So is the government printing it's own money, educating our kids, providing libraries, building roads all communism too? Maybe we should turn over the roads to private corporations, I am sure they will only think of our safety.
Everyone is all about the free market until an Arab company wants to buy some of our ports and then you run back to the government looking for them to step in and stop it. Choose a side, you can't have it both ways.
Oh, and back to the libraries and schools, how much do you pay for private school and how much do you pay for public school? How much do you pay for a book at Borders and how much does it cost you at the library? $10 gas?? I don't think so.
$10 gas will come.
As long as we are dependent on other countries for our fuel, we are at their mercy.
So if we take every possibility to create more supply at home, become independent, and limit the ways the price can be influenced, then market forces can work again. And if they don't, then the blame chain is much shorter.
soap - this makes me fearful. the gov. needs to leave things alone, they make a mess when they step in. in the news today is wall street and its terrific decline of late. the gov. said no today to a loan (of our tax dollars) and to a rate cut (about time). let the markets handle this. it is hard to say that as my husband is directly effected (he works for a large investment bank) but it is best in the long run.
other gov. controlled entities such as schools and post offices are money pits that have taken their eyes off of the consumer. more money, in their minds, fixes all. true competiton is needed in all areas.
sorry for the rant. i am not writing very clearly as there is much on my mind.
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